Frequently Asked Questions
Most Common Questions
How do the Ruuvi products actually work?
The Ruuvi product portfolio is made of:
Ruuvi sensors
The Ruuvi sensors measure air temperature, humidity, pressure, and acceleration, depending on the models. More precise specifications are provided on the product page. They send the data via Bluetooth either to the Ruuvi Gateway or to the Ruuvi Station mobile app.
Ruuvi Station App
The Ruuvi Station app can be downloaded for free both from the Play Store (Android) and the App Store (iOS). It displays the measurements received from the Sensors. In the app, it is possible to read history graphs, set alerts with customizable parameters, and much more!
A web interface is also available when using our cloud service.
Ruuvi Gateway
The Gateway is our solution for remote monitoring, check how to it works on this page.
You will also find all the accessories that you might need from stands to replacement batteries in the “all products” section of our website.
How to monitor the Ruuvi sensors remotely?
The Ruuvi sensors can be monitored with just a mobile device and the Ruuvi Station app within the Bluetooth range. If you want to monitor conditions from further, you’ll need our Ruuvi Gateway product.
The Gateway is connected to the internet and listens to sensors with a higher sensitivity than a regular mobile device. The test results talk by themselves: up to 2000 meters between the Gateway and the sensors, compared to 200 meters between a mobile device and the sensors (test realized in optimal conditions without any obstacle).
Then, the Gateway shares the data to our cloud service. The sensor measurements are then retrievable, either from the mobile app or our web interface from anywhere in the world as long as you have an internet connection.
What are the operating conditions of the Ruuvi sensors?
Electronics of the Ruuvi sensors can support temperatures between -40°C (-40°F) and +85°C (+185°F). However, the market standard CR2477 batteries’ operation range is usually between -20°C (-4°F) and +70°C (+158°F). Do not exceed these temperatures without shopping our custom made wide-range battery, which is designed to operate with the same limits as the electronics of the sensors.
Dust & Water
All the sensors are resistant to dust and moisture. Some of the sensors are IP67 certified (water-resistant) and some are IP68 or IP69K certified (waterproof). See the specific certifications for each sensor on the product page. Please keep in mind that water lowers drastically the range of the sensors.
What is the range?
Unfortunately there are no one answer what is the maximum distance or range between sensors and Ruuvi Gateway (or mobile phone). Every location is unique and any obstacle, installation location, wall construction, metal enclosures, and even weather conditions will affect to the range. Also mobile phones internal Bluetooth antenna will have a strong impact to the range. Only way is to test the range in planned location.
You may also read more here https://ruuvi.com/signal-strenght/
Using only Ruuvi sensors
The sensors send data packages via Bluetooth to your mobile device. Thanks to optimized sensor antenna design, in perfect conditions without any obstacle, the Bluetooth range is up to 200 meters, which is way more than that regular Bluetooth speaker.
Please keep in mind that any obstacle, especially metal enclosures, concrete walls, or proximity of water will lower the range. Also mobile phones internal Bluetooth antenna will affect to the range.
Typically range indoors is between 10-20 meters and outdoors 50-150 meters.
Using Ruuvi sensors + Ruuvi Gateway
The sensors send the same data packages as above with the same emission power. However, the reception antenna is way better on the Ruuvi Gateway than on a regular mobile device.
Range with gateway typically increases +50 – 100%.
The Ruuvi Gateway shares then data to the cloud service and the sensor readings are then retrievable from anywhere in the world as long as you have an internet connection.
The highest range ever recorded, in optimal conditions, between the Gateway and the sensors is a vertiginous 2000 meters!
How long does battery last in RuuviTag?
The power of the Ruuvi sensors is supplied by CR2477 coin cell batteries, included in the device. One battery lasts usually between 12-24 months in continuous use (firmware updates and history reading consumes more energy). Battery capacity is also lower in low temperatures . The battery is easily replaceable by the user making our products very sustainable and keeping maintenance cost low.
Check how to change the battery here!
Can I use the Ruuvi sensors to monitor my sauna?
Yes you can!
The sensor’s temperature increases slower than the sauna’s temperature and the readings depend a lot on where it is placed inside the sauna. But that’s not a problem! Just check at the first use what is the sensor reading when the sauna is just perfect for you. Then, set the alert to this specific value to get notified when the sauna is ready and to get the perfect temperature every single time!
RuuviTag doesn’t work like a traditional sauna thermometer and temperature will rise slower. RuuviTag measures device internal temperature, not a fast increasing air temperature. See more information about measuring in the sauna here.
Please note, that if the sensor is reaching temperatures above 70°C (85°C with a custom battery) you should consider setting the sensor somewhere lower in the sauna to avoid any thermal damage. You can calibrate RuuviTag’s measurement if you want to read measurements “as they were” taken from the higher, more warmer location.
Sauna is actually pretty dry space. IP67 certified RuuviTags should be fine if it is placed vertically next to a wall or similar surface. By keeping Ruuvi vertically upright, water will fall out away from the breathing hole and water will not get into the circuit. With RuuviTag Pro 2in1 you don’t need to worry about water damage.
What are the differences between RuuviTag and RuuviTag Pro?
RuuviTag Pro has several new features compared to standard RuuviTag such as:
- High accuracy temperature sensor (+-0,1C @ range -20°C…+50°C)
- Wide operating temperature range (-40..+85C) with special battery CR2477T
- IP68 and IP69K protection certification for RuuviTag Pro 2in1. Not for continuous submerging
- IP67 certifications for RuuviTag Pro 3in1
- Professional mounting and industrial design
- RuuviTag Pro doesn’t have air pressure sensor
- Optional expansion port
Can I see the data history of my Ruuvi sensors?
Yes you can!
Up to 10 days with the Ruuvi sensors alone
The Ruuvi sensors have built-in storage enabling them to store 10 days of measurement data in five (5) minutes interval. You can import the data to the Ruuvi Station mobile app at any point by pressing “sync” button in the app. This means that even when leaving from the Bluetooth range, you will be able to see a detailed 10 days history when coming back and synchronizing.
Up to 3 years with the Ruuvi Gateway and Ruuvi Cloud service
If this 10 days of data is too short, or that you want to be able to monitor your sensors remotely, you should consider the Ruuvi Gateway. It enables you to analyze up to 3 years of data history on the convenient and intuitive desktop version of Ruuvi Station. Also, no need to synchronize, the Ruuvi Gateway is continuously sharing data to the cloud and it is retrievable from anywhere around the world as long as you have an internet connection.
Are Ruuvi products compatible with the Home Assistant?
Yes, more information is available here https://ruuvi.com/connecting-ruuvitag-bluetooth-sensors-to-home-assistant/
Why would I need Ruuvi products?
The use cases for our products are unlimited and the only limit is your imagination. Read more about use cases and user experiences on our blog and What to Measure with Ruuvi -page
The Ruuvi products are designed and manufactured in Finland with the highest quality standards to ensure the best possible products at the end!
We do not believe in bots (at least on our webpage)! We are very happy to answer any of your questions regarding a product or to support you with any issue.
How fast is the shipping?
We work with the best courier partners and do our best to proceed to the shipment within 24 hours from the order! All the products are sent from our warehouse in Finland and delivery time depends obviously on your location. We will provide you with a tracking number automatically to your email so that you can follow where your Ruuvi package is going.
Is my mobile device compatible with Ruuvi products?
The Ruuvi Station app can be downloaded both from the Play Store (Android) and the App Store (iOS). It is also available for tablets.
Do you support widgets on my mobile device?
Ruuvi Station mobile app comes preloaded with widgets.
Widgets use Ruuvi Cloud service to allow reliable updates to your mobile device. This means that you’ll need:
1. A Ruuvi Gateway router
2. To be signed in to your Ruuvi account in Ruuvi Station
3. To have claimed your sensors to your Ruuvi account
Please note that widgets are not available through local Bluetooth connection. An internet connection is required on your mobile device to fetch widget data.
We don’t currently support widgets on desktop operating systems, such as Windows or MacOS.
Are the Ruuvi sensors waterproof?
The water resistance depends on the sensor model. Some of the sensors are IP67 certified (water-resistant, tested in 1 meter depth) and some are IP68 or IP69K certified (waterproof, tested in 50 meters depth). See the certification of each sensor directly on the product pages or below:
- RuuviTag 4-in-1: IP67
- RuuviTag Pro 3-in-1: IP67
- RuuviTag Pro 2-in-1: IP68 and IP69K
Please keep in mind that Bluetooth signals are significantly weakened in the water and range will be significantly reduced. Ruuvi sensors can then be used in shallow water if you want to maintain connection (for example pool or jacuzzi). If you want to measure deeper, you can attach the RuuviTag Pro to a string and take it back to the surface when you want to download the data history.
Can one Ruuvi sensor be paired with several devices?
No sensor pairing is needed for either the Android or iOS version of the app, so friends and family can view sensor data as long as they’re within Bluetooth range. RuuviTag sensors work by continuously broadcasting Bluetooth advertisements.
However, pairing can be enabled in the iOS version of the Ruuvi Station app if you’d like to record Bluetooth messages when the app is running in the background or to receive Bluetooth sensor alerts. Note that Bluetooth pairing can only be active on one iOS device at a time due to technical restrictions. Broadcasts will still work even when pairing is active.
With the Ruuvi Gateway, you can share sensors to other users so that they are also able to monitor conditions remotely.
Can I export data to Excel?
Yes! It’s possible to export data to Excel in CSV or XLXS format from mobile application or web interface. See here instructional videos how to export and customize data in Excel (only in Finnish).