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Open Source Development With Ruuvi Products

Where to begin?

We recommend to start by visiting our dedicated Ruuvi Integrations page, where you will find a lot of inspiring projects and products developed by hobbyists, developers and businesses for a wide range of uses. You will find that we provide a wide range of resources, such as our documentation, GitHub repositories and our vibrant community to showcase and help you with your project. We warmly invite you to contribute and become part of the Ruuvi family.

While the community offers inspiration, help, and a way to share and grow ideas, we also encourage you to join our channel in Telegram, where we also share the latest development updates and where you can interact with us and our like-minded community members in real-time.

At some point in your journey, you may find yourself wanting to order a Dev Kit as well. It’s built for advanced developers who aim to push their Ruuvi products to the max by flashing and debugging devices through the SWD (Serial-Wire-Debug) bus or utilising RuuviTag’s additional IO connections located at the bottom of the circuit board.

Ruuvi products are open source, what does it mean?

At Ruuvi, we embrace the open-source philosophy. All Ruuvi devices come with open source firmware, offering unmatched transparency for anyone to review the code or develop custom firmware tailored to their specific requirements. All Ruuvi sensor devices also utilise an open data format that is fully documented on the Ruuvi Documentation website, offering comprehensive details for integrating our devices into your own solution.

For general consumers, this may not seem like a major difference, but for companies, home automation enthusiasts, and electronics hobbyists, it’s a small yet incredibly significant feature.

For instance, if you want to modify RuuviTag’s firmware for your own projects, you have the freedom to do so.

Learn more about how Ruuvi can enhance your business with our products for prototyping: