Ruuvi Firmware – Part 4: Button Interrupt In this part of the tutorial we’ll extend the GPIO drivers to wake RuuviTag up from yield made in... 17.8.2018 Ruuvi Software Articles
Ruuvi Firmware – Part 3: LED Blinking In this part of the tutorial we’ll use GPIO drivers made in part 1 to finally make our RuuviTag... 10.8.2018 Ruuvi Software Articles
Ruuvi Firmware – Part 2: Debugging This is the second part of the Ruuvi Firmware series which details how to build a sensor beacon software... 3.8.2018 Ruuvi Software Articles
Ruuvi Firmware – Part 1: Sleep This is a first part of the Ruuvi Firmware series which details how to build a sensor beacon software... 27.7.2018 Ruuvi Software Articles
Ruuvi Firmware – Part 0: Introduction Building Ruuvi Firmware started as a hobby on the side of a day job for me. As one might... 22.7.2018 Ruuvi Software Articles
Setting up Raspberry Pi as a Ruuvi Gateway – updated 2021–12–23 – Because Ruuvi Gateway now fills the need of RuuviTag to Internet Gateway, we no longer... 26.5.2018 Ruuvi Software Articles
Power Optimizing Your Application Whenever new features are developed, chances are that some power ends up being “wasted” or used unoptimally. Generally the... 29.1.2018 Ruuvi Software Articles
Digital Signal Processing: Compromises Between Noise, Response Time and Power Consumption Ideal sensor would always produce exactly correct result, for example if the temperature is 22.4371 °C (72.38678 °F) we... 2.11.2017 Ruuvi Software Articles
Power Profiling Your Application One of the most critical aspects of programming battery powered devices is controlling the power consumption of the device.... 7.10.2017 Ruuvi Software Articles
Humidity Sensor on RuuviTag RuuviTag has environmental sensor BME280 made by Bosch. The sensors come factory-calibrated with impressive absolute accuracy specification: Temperature ±0.5... 15.9.2017 Ruuvi ElectronicsRuuvi News
Debugging RuuviTag It is said that every non-trivial piece of software can be shortened by at least one line of code... 31.8.2017 Ruuvi Software Articles
Setting up the Development Environment for RuuviTag Firmware Recently I suffered a hardware failure on my laptop, so I had the pleasure of verifying my backups as... 31.8.2017 Ruuvi Software Articles